Credit and Appreciation go to: Niki Weegens Photography


17-year-old Jarred is a young man of many talents and interests. In addition to being a blossoming outdoorsman – he’s especially fond of fishing – he loves playing baseball just as much as he enjoys playing with toys that require using his hands like Legos and other building/construction-type games. But he also has an artistic side, which he expresses by being in choir and acting in plays at church. There are many sides to young Jarred, but at his core, he’s just a kid who needs a family to love and support him and teach him how to trust again. His life has been defined by change and uncertainty for years, so he thrives in a stable, patient, committed living situation. And if you also happen to have a steady supply of ice cream, chicken and oatmeal at home, all the better! All kidding aside, placed in the right home, Jarred has all the tools to continue to develop and grow into a wonderful, loving young man. If you think you might be that home, please ask for more information. 2857548

Age: 17

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Out of state home studies are not being considered at this time. Arkansas residents may inquire.

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